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Fundamentals on Handling Mental Health Challenges Effectively

November 17, 2021/Dr. Oladele Akin-Ogundeji/Mental Health, Mental Health Promotion

In crises, particularly personal crises, avoiding paralysis of productive action or behaviour is important. For, in such a situation, particularly if you feel alone or you have a sense of aloneness, it would be easier to feel totally helpless and this, moreso, when crises pile up.

Personal crises tend to sour emotional and mental health. Globally, we are in troubled times and personal crises and emotionally stressful challenges are escalating. These situations make heavy demands on the mental health of people across all climes. Mental challenges continue to escalate. In such circumstances, it is proper and fitting to seek, get, and use professional help, and to stay within the regime provided by relevant mental health specialists. We at BetterPoise.Com fully support such an approach.

It is also helpful to understand that personal crises and emotionally stressful challenges are realities of life. They are better handled as a phase in one's life. Some result from things you cannot control, in fact, it could well be that most really come from what you couldn't control. Barring a few cases, much of the crises would pass away with time. Some would, because circumstances have changed, and some would need to be handled with expert help, social support, and other personal actions on your part.

A key challenge would be to be ready before personal crises—or mental challenges—happen. For, no matter how we may feel about it, nobody is immune from personal and emotional crises.

Define personal success beyond physical possessions and material gains...Associate with people whose values in life are reinforcing of beneficence and wholesome relationships,—and that are not self-defeating or ruinous in the long run.

You could prepare, by taking the following steps, among others:

  1. Define personal success beyond physical possessions and material gains.
  2. Be willing and ready to suffer some loss of possessions but prepare a plan of action to obviate any such loss.
  3. Associate with people whose values in life are reinforcing of beneficence and wholesome relationships,—and that are not self-defeating or ruinous in the long run.
  4. Accentuate the positive aspects—look out for the good things—in your life, not the negative.
  5. Stay physically vital and fit, making the most of good nutrition and principles of heathy living.
  6. When in doubt or when things start getting you worried, seek help.
  7. When you have the help, use it, and stay positive.

And always remember: This, too, shall pass. Believe it and act towards that end.

You can promote your mental health by productive behaviours and direct positive steps!

Learn more from our article, positive approach to your mental health challenges.

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In crises, particularly personal crises, avoiding paralysis of productive action or behaviour is important. For, in such a situation, particularly if you feel alone or you have a sense of aloneness, it would be easier to feel totally helpless and this, moreso, when crises pile up. Here are some tips on how you could handle your mental health challenges effectively.

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