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Personal Development/Confidence Building Quiz
Self Esteem Diagnosis...

Passionate about self esteem and poise development for self actualization? Do a quick check/diagnosis of your self esteem, poise development level with this free poise development sampler.

Check Your Esteem, Poise Development Level!

Check your self esteem, poise development level with BeterPoise.com mini-inventory or poise development sampler. The mini-inventory, or poise development sampler, is a short form of the longer and more detailed Poise Positioning Inventory (PPI).

Be honest with yourself in answering each of the questions under the Poise Development field below. Take a few minutes to assess whether you have what it takes regarding self esteem and poise development for self actualization. If it turns out that you need help overcoming low self esteem or shyness and gaining poise, visit Better Poise Builder or email info@betterpoise.com.

Poise Development Check Field

First Name

Last Name

Your Title

Email Address


A. Check as many of the following statements as are characteristic of you.

1.You are thrilled to be asked to lead a discussion or propose a vote of thanks

2.You get upset in the face of stiff opposition or tough arguments

3. You proclaim your achievements to people

4. It is difficult for people to embarrass you, for example, with rudeness or a snub


B. Which of the following make you anxious, nervous or passive in social company or situations? Check as many as are characteristic of you.

1. Your fear of being rejected or laughed at

2. Your lack of special or required skills

3. When you are the focus of attention

C. Select only one option characteristic of you in each of the following statements.

D. Select only one option characteristic of you in each of the following statements.


How Did You Rate?

Print out or save your responses, then click Poise Development Scoring Profile download (PDF) to check your poise development level.

Should you need help overcoming low self esteem or shyness and gaining poise, visit Better Poise Builder (http://www.betterpoise.com/better-poise-builder.html) or email info@betterpoise.com. You can post your comments on the self-esteem, self improvement and self actualization forum boards.

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