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When Social Media Abstinence May Be Key

December 28, 2021/Dr. Oladele Akin-Ogundeji/Self Growth, Personal Effectiveness

If you don't control social media, it will control you and your life!

Sensible use, management and positioning of social media to achieve specific targets that have benefial effect in the framework of an overraching purpose is what you should do. Controlling your social media use matters. This is particularly important when much of what happens in social media could have harmful effects on your mental health, social well-being, financial health, and personal success. Thus, enslaving those who are addicted to it.

Before such negative or adverse effects begin to happen to you, take a careful stock of your social media use.

  1. Are you using too many social media tools?
  2. Are you spending more and more time on social media?
  3. Are you using social media as an escape from reality?
  4. Are you getting less productive in your in-person relationships because you spend too much time handling social media relationships?
  5. Is social media interefering in your getting worthwhile, valuable things done?
  6. Are sigificant people in your life not getting the right kind of attention or do they start complaining about your social media use?

When you start acting on social media leads, suggestions, prompts or popular ideas in making decisions in your life, it's time to make a break from it. Personal decisions—and particularly big decisions—are not made through other people's opinions, particularly from anonymous platforms. If steps you are taking based on your social media use or relationships are hindering, or influencing, aspects of your life—or are taking you in a direction compromising core values that are ingrained in your in-person significant environment,—it would be time for you to go for a social media abstinence.

When you start acting on social media leads, suggestions, prompts or popular ideas in making decisions in your life, it's time to make a break from it. Personal decisions—and particularly big decisions—are not made through other people's opinions, particularly from anonymous platforms.

Much good could come from using social media, if you deliberateely plan an approach to its use based on specific criteria. The criteria you adopt should be based on specific rules. Such rules would include:

  1. Less is better.
  2. Never depend on social media to solve real life problems.
  3. Do no harm with social media use—either to yourself or to others.
  4. When in doubt, don't use it.
  5. Take regular stock, take regular break
  6. Don't get numbed with social media addiction. Otherwise, you would get stung with social media affliction.

Stay alert, make healthy use of social media. Take regular stock of your social media use.

Before social media use leads to an affliction—or becomes an addiction—go for a social media abstinence.

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Points for Emphasis

Controlling your social media use matters. If you don't control social media, it will control you and your life!

Sensible use, management and positioning of social media to achieve specific targets that have benefial effect in the framework of an overraching purpose is what you should do.

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