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Self Improvement
Promoting Wellness Through Personal Poise Development

Gaining Insight Is Fundamental

When it comes to wellness, the first thing is to gain a sound insight about yourself and your situation. Know yourself, then know what you don't know but which you need to know.

Don't lose focus of the intrinsic personal qualities that are critical in situations of personal distress, frustrations, and set-backs. These attributes are core elements of sound personal poise and personal growth,—and should be well-integrated in your personality.

How Your Level of Poise Development Affects Wellness

The definition you give to a concept would influence how you operate in relation to that concept,—and how the concept influences you and other people.

In wellness, the outcomes you expect or work towards depend on what you identify with. What do you mean by personal poise in real sense? How would this concept influence your wellness?

Understand this fact: Some cases of anxiety, distress, self immolation, and amnesia result from self-hindered personal poise development. On the other extreme, many cases of bullying, exhibitionism, grandstanding, and aggression are traceable to poor poise positioning. Yet, some people are apprehensive and some engage in day dreaming, or hero-worship, because of their notions of 'poise'.

Discount Popular Notions About Personal Poise

There is more to poise than popular notions of poise. To appreciate and understand the significance of poise to self-mastery, wellness and lasting happiness, you would have to learn more about what it entails. But first, you would have to shake off or discount popular notions of personal poise.

You may do a little exercise or conduct a short-scale survey. Try making a list of all the words and phrases you believe describe 'poise' or a 'well-poised person.'

If you like, ask some of your relatives, friends or associates to develop lists on their descriptions of a well-poised person. Pool all the words and phrases you have collected from them with yours. Remove words or phrases that duplicate each other.

What did you get? Perhaps, you have got several words and phrases that convey different aspects of what the word 'poise' stands for.

Make Further Progress With Insight on What Poise Really Entails

You have developed your list of 'poise attributes'. Perhaps, you were able to gain further knowledge from what you got from your friends, relatives or associates.

But note that much of what you got would be based on popular notions of 'poise,' and would be of little value to advancing self-mastery and wellness. To promote self-mastery and wellness, you have to understand the intrinsic nature of personal poise. You need insight on—and embrace—what personal poise intrinsically is.

What, in real sense, does 'personal poise' entail?


Integrate Key Poise Attributes for Self-Mastery

How you integrate personal poise attribute to your personality would influence your degree of your wellness and self-mastery. Therefore, take one further step.

Apply aspects of about five of the personal poise attributes from the list of personal attributes we developed,—or aspects of the six poise indices in the personal poise development formula—to improving the following aspects of your being:

  • Intellect, Mind, Emotion, Attitude, Disposition
  • Core Values, Character, Personality, Carriage, Behaviour
  • Outlook, Knowledge, Competencies, Skills

Perseverance is Key!

This would take time and sustained effort—but persevere. Continue to apply each aspect, thinking through what it means in real life, particularly in adverse situations: How they could be applied for your personal growth, self-fulfilment, and happiness.

Doing this would position you for self mastery and personal growth to attain your potential—to be be the best you could be.

You would find our article, 'Power Your Poise for Success', equally helpful.

Integrating key personal poise attributes in all areas of your being would help you excel—and achieve self-fulfillment and personal growth wholesomely and sustainably—in changing circumstances.