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Healthy Self-Esteem for Imaginative Living and Happiness

Updated: October 7, 2021/Dr. Oladele Akin-Ogundeji/Self Esteem Building, Self Growth

Are you on top of your world emotionally, mentally, and socially?

Are you focusing on imaginative living rather than imagined pastimes? Would you like to develop your self-esteem for imaginative living and happiness? Here are some fundamental truths to help you start repositioning your self-esteem for imaginative living and happiness!

Examine your attitudinal or mental choice in relation to yourself and your life.

The basic truth about the root of ineffective self-esteem building is that, in most cases, people have chosen to tolerate their low self-esteem or ineffective self-esteem development. For such people, poor self-esteem is a self-chosen pastime. Therefore, refuse to cooperate with low self-worth! This may be the fundamental choice you have to make in shaping your attitude to yourself and to your life. This choice may be the starting point of imaginative living for you!

Focus on self-mastery

To move in the direction of healthy self-esteem building for imaginative living and happiness, have the right focus. Focus on self-mastery and the capacity to be on top of things, particularly under stress and adversities. Focus on developing the quality of your emotional and mental state or capacity. Everything about you in terms of your life projects should have reinforcing effects to make you more emotionally and mentally competent or mature. Therefore, as far as possible, deliberately use, or engage in, experiences, relationships, and activities that have reinforcing effects towards developing healthy emotional and mental capacity.

Beware, don't be hindered by your life chances!

Life chances generally refer to the socio-economic opportunities, or lack of such opportunities, you were born into—or which are foisted upon you by circumstances beyond your control. Handle your life chances with perspective and vision.

Often, many people allow their poor or limited life chances to hinder them, to negatively affect them. On one extreme, they may feel pushed into obscurity or self denigration. While on the other extreme, they may exhibit attitudes and behaviors of rebelliousness, aggression or bitterness. They, in essence, allow their poor life chances to undermine their self-esteem building,—somehow short-changing themselves by hindering the development of a healthy self-worth for imaginative living and self fulfilment. Be different, be constructive! Decide to focus on your choices rather than on your life chances. As a matter of choice, choose to discount whatever poor life chances you might have.

Focus on self-mastery and the capacity to be on top of things, particularly under stress and adversities.

Build your capacity to mitigate poor life chances

Understand that your capacity to discount your poor life chances is a powerful tool in getting your poise and self-esteem to start ticking. The ability to control the level of your worries often starts with how you see or handle your poor life chances or your negative past.

<p> Your life choices are more important than your life chances. Although some people do manage to flee the negative consequences of their life choices some of the time, generally, you tend to get the bargain of your choices. </p>
Focus on making right choices for your future

Your life choices are more important than your life chances. Although some people do manage to flee the negative consequences of their life choices some of the time, generally, you tend to get the bargain of your choices. If you really want healthy self-esteem and be on top of your world, treat whatever poor life chances you might have differently than you treat your life choices.

Be warned: the choices you make in life would show up later in terms of positive or negative consequences. That is, you cannot run away from your life choices, in most cases that is.

Refuse to define your self-worth by your negative past

Resolve to not allow negative things that happened in your life to hinder your personal growth in terms of the quality of your emotional and mental state. Handle your past well, and your perception of yourself and of your self-esteem challenge would follow a positive course; and to boot, you would be moving in the direction of healthy self-esteem building for imaginative living and happiness!

Start today!

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Are you on top of your world emotionally, mentally and socially? Would you like to build your self-esteem for imaginative living and happiness? Use the fundamental truths higlighted in this article to start repositioning your self-esteem for imaginative living and happiness!

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